Friday, October 1, 2010

Most Black atheletes are seen in a difffrent light in basketball if they have tatoos they are seen as thugs or nuckle heads the reffs even treat them diffrent. Also if you noticed in sports when ever a pradomently black team is playin a white team the commentators even coaches always say they have some athletic players as if all they can do is run fast and jump high and they not smart. When i was a freshmen in high school i was on a mostly white team and the team we were playin was a mostly black team all my friends played  for them . I will never forget how the coach was talking to if he knew we were guna loose and he said we can beat these guys, they are just athletic all we have to do is play smarter and play with fundementals. Me growing up with the guys in the other jerseys and me use to playing with them that made me feel out of place being on a white team. In society white athelets are always viewed in a positive light and if they do bad they get away with things or if it is public they dont blow it up as much and we dont here about it for long or they just get away with it. With black athelets they are always viewed as feared and thugs or people that can just run and jump thats it and when they do somthing wrong its all over tv . When comentators use the term they have alot of athletic players that can run fast and dunk they bassically sayin they have alot of black players .When commentators say they have a real smart team and alot of shooters they bassically sayin there is alot white players


  1. Yeah there are a lot of stereo types out there, you just have to know better and be better about it. I know exactly what you mean though, people said that kinda stuff to me when we played football.

  2. Your speaking the truth! I never thought about in terms of how the tv / radio comentators speak. Next time, I watch a game I will listen to how they describe the game and players.
